So this may be a bit obnoxious, but I captured this video shortly after I posted the last one. So if you don't like cute babies doing a lot of "talking", maybe you shouldn't watch this. Oliver's been chatting up a storm today and it just makes us laugh! Enjoy!
This has been Avery's quote lately. She's got work to do. She's a worker. She spent a few days working on one project where she was drawing our family. She has spent hours the last few days coloring. Avery doesn't just sit and color for long amounts of time. Until now. She always says things in exasperated tones... I have so much work to do. Stay here, 'cause I have to work... things of that nature. One of the results is of her work is that she's learned to write her name!! So exciting! I can't believe she's big enough to be writing her name!! So here's a sampling of her work.
First of all, while she was working her hair was bothering her. Here is daddy's solution...
Jeff cut out the outside of the flower and the clouds, but Avery cut everything else! It was a team effort with the glueing and then Avery wrote her name all by herself!!!
And finally, here's a video of Oliver doing something close to laughing?! Were not completely sure if he likes what's happening or not, but he sort of smiles and laughs. The video is way to long and I sound obnoxious, but grandparents like this sort of stuff!!
Ok, first of all... take a gander at these eyes. Aren't they amazing?? Having blue eyes myself and a daughter with beautiful eyes, I thought I was always partial to blue eyes.... but his are just so dark and dreamy!!! I can't get enough of them. Ok, thanks for indulging me.
We've had a little bit of everything going on with the Smith's lately. Here's a little update.
Avery has started soccer! It is so fun! She's doing a good job following directions and learning some very basic parts of the game. She's very partial to the pink ball. We'll need to get there early every week, just so she can claim it! Here's a video of her pre-practice warm up skills!
She's in awe of her coach! The first week she kept stroking her hand and playing with her necklace. She constantly wants to show her how she can get a goal!! Tonight, she walked in and said, "hi, coach!!" So funny that she just started calling her coach! Here's Avery and her first coach ever!!!
They got their shirts today! There's only one blog reader that can appreciate the number I chose for her!! Remember how long it took me to "earn" that number, sport Marty??? I was a little more uptight then! Just a little!
Today we woke up to a nice blanket of snow... the first of the year! So Oliver experienced his first snow!! He doesn't really have a snow suit, so his visit was brief. Here's visual documentation that I actually let him experience the first snow of the year.
Avery all bundled up and ready to play!
The kiddos together on the deck. I believe this is when Oliver's lip started shivering. A little backtracking to leaf fun! Avery jumping in the pile!
Here's Avery "helping."
The double french braids and freckles were so cute! She loved being a cowgirl!!
"YEE HAW!!!"
Her hat says 'sheriff'. So here she is being a mean sheriff.
And here's our little duck! The costume put him right to sleep! We borrowed it from the neigbors, so we had to show him off while trick-or-treating!