Oh, Oliver. He just loves his sister!!! Does whatever she's doing!!!! Yes, they are grooming My Little Ponies!!
Oliver's basketball skills have now progressed to some dribbling! I laugh just a little bit too hard in this video at his funny look- but I couldn't help it! What was that look for???
Here is the previously mentioned "chicken wing" caught on tape!!
We finally made it to Christmas!!! We had a family celebration here before our trip to Arizona. Avery really was so excited this year! She couldn't wait!
Avery and her lip gloss. Oh my. She actually received this from Erica, but wow. I thought she'd use it up in one day with all of her re-applications. All morning with the lip gloss!Helping daddy assemble the Barbie townhouse! I didn't include many pictures of Avery from Christmas morning because all of her pictures came out with closed eyes. She must have been so excited she couldn't keep her eyes open! So enjoy this one!
Oliver with one of the many balls he received!
I'd like to introduce you to what we call The Chicken Wing. When Oliver gets excited, he flaps one arm. So we named it the chicken wing and now he does it on command! Here it is in full effect!
Some serious fun was had that morning! They really had a wonderful Christmas! Shortly thereafter, we hopped in the car- a day early- and headed out for our 15 hour drive! Many of you know, Avery got the stomach flu during hour 13 of our drive. Horrible. Avery's not really a "trooper" when it comes to being sick. So the fact that it was happening after a really long day, was quite terrible!!
But once we got to AZ, there was lots of fun to be had! It took her almost a week before she was feeling better. But the excitement of Christmas pulled her through!!
Oliver enjoying his stocking stuffers!He loved this rocking chair that his cousins received!Speaking of cousins... talk about fun! There four of them- ages 4, 2, 1, and 1. Yikes! It was loud, crazy, full of chase, and wild!!! Actually, we didn't attempt to get a picture of them together. But here are the ones we could catch! Avery and Karsen... they wore each other out!! Ooohhh, mischief!!!
Oliver enjoying his stocking stuffers!He loved this rocking chair that his cousins received!Speaking of cousins... talk about fun! There four of them- ages 4, 2, 1, and 1. Yikes! It was loud, crazy, full of chase, and wild!!! Actually, we didn't attempt to get a picture of them together. But here are the ones we could catch! Avery and Karsen... they wore each other out!! Ooohhh, mischief!!!
Kamy and Oliver really just looked at each other. Not a whole lot of playing together going on there!
Ok, I think we're caught up now!! Phew!
Practicing her moves backsage!
Avery at her preschool Christmas party.
Oliver has learned the art of hiding! All we have to say is "where's Oliver?" and he'll run to this little nook and hide. He's very tricky!
Here, you'll see that we were so set on not dealing with a 15-month-old messing with presents, we put the tree in a corner on a table, blocked it off with furniture, and put the presents in the tv nook!! Ridiculous. Oliver definitley doesn't have that "smile for the camera" thing down. at all.Oliver isn't convinced this is a good idea. Avery has really warmed to Santa! She told him she wanted a Three Muskateers Barbie and that Oliver wanted a ball (which he did!!).Doesn't it look like the reindeer's hoof is holding Oliver in place?Ok, see ya next post!