So we're running a bit behind at Smith Family Happening... here are some pics from Muffins for Mom at Avery's school.
And then some random videos! You may remember some of Oliver's basketball skills from
this post. Well, he's getting better! He doesn't want the hoop down where he can touch it, only out of reach!!!
*Uuuhhh, nevermind! I've been trying to upload this video for a while and it keeps not working, so I'll just post and try the videos later!
Aside from the stomach flu, we had a great trip to Arizona! We didn't get to do all that we had planned since grandpa and I were both sick, but the kids didn't seem to mind! Here are some pics of all of the fun!
Playing outside! We packed Avery's scooter for the trip, so she was entertained!!
Sprinkler time!
Football jump shot!!
Takin' a break on the skateboard that Oliver got to borrow from Uncle Todd!!
Enjoying some time with the cousins!!
Playing at the park...
Snuggles with grandpa...
Seriously, look at this little face!!
I'm not sure what to say about this one... but it DOES sum up what its like when the cousins get together! A little crazy and chaotic!
Then, the day before we left we went down to Tucson to visit with great-grandma and great-great Aunt Nita! Jeff's grandma hadn't ever met Oliver and hasn't seen Avery in a while. It was really fun to catch up with them and get everyone aquainted and re-aquainted! (this is Oliver's new smile... evidently if you squint your eyes, you're smiling)
Golf cart rides with great grandma!!!
Oliver was quite smitten with this bird statue. He kept having long conversations with it! Here's he's sharing his mini-skateboard with the bird...
And now he's sharing his raisins...
Avery and the squishy turtle. Weird picture, but I thought her eyes were a pretty color in it! :)
And finally, lovin' on Uncle Todd!