This is my view almost every time we play outside. Oliver and Coco, Coco and Oliver. Two peas in a pod, two buddies. Coco (aka Toe-toe) lives across the street, but makes a beeline for our house almost any chance he gets. Coco makes Oliver squeal with laughter just by swooshing his tail on him. Oliver walks alongside Coco with a big smile on his face. Then sometimes they just sit together, talk, and have a little love-fest.

Well... the birthday camera wasn't working out too well. You may have noticed a relatively intense decline in my blogging. I really think it was because my new camera was bogging me down! It had too many megapixels for our computer so it would take to load pictures. Then, the video was HD, again... to intense for our little computer. So, luckily Costco has a 90-day return policy... I took it back and got a waaaay more scaled down version. I do feel like I may have gone a bit too far back the other direction- the new camera feels super cheap and like it may break at any moment. So, we'll see if I go back to the ole Costco camera department any time soon!

In the meantime, here is a picture of little Ollie from our recent trip to Arizona. And a video from the new camera! My favorite is when he says, "Talk to me, oh right, right, gotcha, talk to you soon!" He's a funny one!

So, while the video is loading, I suppose I'll update you on what we've been doing. Jeff finished his Master's degree (hooray!!), school ended (hooray for Jeff, Avery could use some outlets for energy!!), Avery learned how to swim (WOW!!! she's great!), we went to Arizona, Jeff and I went to California sans kids (AMAZING- thanks grandpa and grandma), we came back to Colorado, painted a whole lot (finishing up projects from a YEAR ago!!!), and now he starts his internship tomorrow! Phew!

Alright, the video's finally done! Here you go, and make sure to listen for his funny little phrases...