So we've gone through a bit of a blogging lull lately... I don't know why, there just hasn't been a whole lot going on around here. We're just doing life, finishing up the school year... ya know. But, we're back and hopefully I'll be much more faithful about documenting life around here!

We celebrated Easter today! Went to church, Avery got to sing on stage with her class and the band- she was pretty excited! She practiced ALOT!!!!!! Then we went to our friend's house and had brunch and an egg hunt. So here are the smith kids enjoying the day.

Oliver doesn't remember holidays from year to year yet, so this was his "first" easter egg hunt (in his little mind!!). He talked about it for days and he was pretty excited! So the pics are a little Oliver-heavy! Plus, I don't like putting pics of other people's kids on the blog, so that severely limits pics at events like these!

Here's Avery singing... she's wearing purple!