We recently returned from our trip to Arizona! It was an awesome time with family and a few friends. Here is a pictures that sums up how Avery feels about the heat in AZ....

But the main purpose for the trip was to get to meet and get to know this smiley little bundle, Karsen. She is so happy go-lucky and content! She was born at the end of February and is our first niece! It was so fun to see my bro as a dad and to see how much Karsen loves her mama and daddy!We spent much of our time in the pool! There isn't much to do with kids in AZ in the summertime, so the family got together and had great meals and went swimming! Avery had a great time with Uncle Todd while Karsen hung out in her floaty.
Karsen is ready to take on the world, so she's not a fan of laying around on her back anymore. So she got one of these bumbo (is that the right name?) seats and was semi-entertained. Really, I just thought this was a funny picture of her.
Avery did a great job helping with Karsen! She gave her toys and her pacifier and didn't get too crazed when I was holding Karsen (progress, huh Beth??). Karsen thought Avery was pretty funny- maybe not when she held her... but in general she was a fan of her big cousin!

Awww! Glad you had a good trip!
okay avery and her pig tails are so stinkin' cute! and i LOVE the pic of her and uncle todd in the pool! happy anniversary tomorrow!
Hi Kids,I am so glad that you are enjoying yourselves and thanks for the pictures.I will print and send on to sis. Love Grandma S.
amen to avery on not liking the heat! haha that was my favorite pic. coach you should know that it is FAR too hot outside in chicago to even THINK about conditioning... holler.