Ahhh, Arizona in the springtime. There isn't much better. The sun, breeze, smells- orange blossoms, flowers, trees... it really is amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone! I can't tell you how many times we exclaimed, "wow! it feels awesome out here!". Now its snowing in Colorado, so there ya have it.

The softball of the week was just the icing on the cake! The team played awesome! It seems like the girls are enjoying each other and playing really, really well! We only saw six games, but they were 5-1 in those six games!! They came away from the week at 6-4. So, can I just say that the softball team hasn't won six games on the spring break trip in... um.... ever??!! Seriously, keep your eyes posted... I'm sensing some conference champs- or at least a berth to regionals!!!

We got to spend time with the two cutest nieces anyone could ask for! That was fun! Karsen is walking around and getting into everything and Kameryn is a sweet little snoozer that eats all of the time! We visited with lots of friends and wore poor Avery out! Avery played outside constantly and I think she may have wore Grandpa and Grandma out! More pictures of the cousins to come later.

Baby Smith is growing like a champ. The 'big' ultrasound is in 2 weeks. So, we'll find out the gender then!!! My first attempt at a poll is on the side- be sure to weigh in with what you think baby Smith may be!


  1. Leah Chandler on April 1, 2008 at 5:32 AM

    I'm not a prophet or anything, but I keep thinking you have a sweet, ornry little boy growing in your belly! I'm glad you had fun in Arizona, Erin said it was fun to see you!

    Love ya!

  2. The Way EYE See It... on April 1, 2008 at 7:35 AM

    I don't know nothing about no babies...but I will vote in your poll because I am opinionated! Glad you had fun in the AZ.

  3. Stacey on April 1, 2008 at 8:34 AM

    Your 2 cute nieces may have some new competition, come August :) We'll find out in 2 weeks if another niece will be entering the picture...

  4. j.ro on April 7, 2008 at 6:51 AM

    sounds like so much fun! ... and can't wait to find out about taco bell smith's gender!

  5. slivengo on April 15, 2008 at 7:41 PM

    Hey Steph! Hope you all are doing well! Anxious for more updates about Avery and baby Smith!