She's apparently also slightly afraid of her humid-i-fire in her room.
She's apparently also slightly afraid of her humid-i-fire in her room.
Here's Oliver's first bottle...
1. He just sleeps a lot. Not that interesting of pics. (And when he's not sleeping, he's typically feeding, and those aren't the type of pictures Steph usually lets me post online.)
2. We've been relatively busy.
3. We've been tired, when we're not busy.
So anyway, here I am with some new pics for you of life at the Smith household in the past week...
First off, a couple last ones from the hospital, before we got to come home on Monday.
Note: That one of me, I asked Steph to take a pic, because I was worried there was no proof that I was actually present at the hospital at all. She pointed out how ridiculous my hair looked at the moment, after a couple days lounging at the hospital (which it really did), so I asked her to zoom in close enough to crop out my hair. She did a pretty good job, huh?
Next up, Steph's brother Todd and his family joined us for a visit on Wednesday. It was great to visit with them, and Avery had a lot of fun playing with her cousins and aunt and uncle.
And lastly, here are a couple shots of Oliver hanging out at home. We actually caught him awake in one of them. (Kat, notice the cute baseball outfit he's wearing!) And in the other one, he's sleeping in one of his many funny positions- with his hand on his head.
We'll try to let you know if there's an update, but for now we're just watching TV and playing on the computer, and hanging out and hoping for new info from the doctors/nurses.
(Also, just so you know, we're experiencing some issues logging onto our blog, so Adam is updating for us via e-mails to him. So this process of getting info out to our adoring public might not run as smoothly as we had hoped.)