So it's been a little over a week that our son's been out-of-momma, and sorry that we haven't posted any more pictures. The reasons are most likely...
1. He just sleeps a lot. Not that interesting of pics. (And when he's not sleeping, he's typically feeding, and those aren't the type of pictures Steph usually lets me post online.)
2. We've been relatively busy.
3. We've been tired, when we're not busy.

So anyway, here I am with some new pics for you of life at the Smith household in the past week...

First off, a couple last ones from the hospital, before we got to come home on Monday.

Note: That one of me, I asked Steph to take a pic, because I was worried there was no proof that I was actually present at the hospital at all. She pointed out how ridiculous my hair looked at the moment, after a couple days lounging at the hospital (which it really did), so I asked her to zoom in close enough to crop out my hair. She did a pretty good job, huh?

Next up, Steph's brother Todd and his family joined us for a visit on Wednesday. It was great to visit with them, and Avery had a lot of fun playing with her cousins and aunt and uncle.

And lastly, here are a couple shots of Oliver hanging out at home. We actually caught him awake in one of them. (Kat, notice the cute baseball outfit he's wearing!) And in the other one, he's sleeping in one of his many funny positions- with his hand on his head.


  1. on September 16, 2008 at 6:47 AM

    oh he is so sweet! i love the pic of his hand raised! so wishing you were closer at this moment!!!

  2. Stacey on September 16, 2008 at 7:02 AM

    Thanks for the update! He sure is a cutie! You look like such a proud dad, Jeff! And Steph did do a good job cropping your hair. I wonder if Ollie will have your same curls someday.(Sidenote- I think that's the same bouncy seat we have. Adam's mom found it at a yard sale, and it's amazing. Jack is currently sleeping in his... Yay for sleeping babies!)

  3. Bob Thompson on September 16, 2008 at 9:11 AM

    Good lookin' kid, friends... good lookin' kid.

  4. The Way EYE See It... on September 16, 2008 at 1:04 PM

    I was thinking that Jack had a similar hat too. Maybe there will be all sorts of ways that these two will be inexplicably linked over the coming years?