Can't believe she's getting so big! She recently started a dance class that she L.O.V.E.S!!! Anyone who's spent time with her over the last year has- no doubt- seen her untrained dance moves (um, there's a link here on "untrained dance moves" but you can't see the click there for a good laugh). If you're lucky, you've seen her pretend to be a graceful princess and move really, really slowly (how being a princess and moving slowly goes together, I'm not sure... but it kills me every time!). So, we thought dance was a good next step. She's in a class that does ballet, tap, and gymnastics every time. It is awesome.
Parents are not really allowed to watch the class- except through a crack in the door, so this is the best shot I could give you before class started- while trying to crop out any other little girls.
Oliver is getting bigger and bigger! He's in the middle of the pack for height and weight. I'm a little paranoid and think he's a little more unstable/spazzy than I remember babies being at this age... but the doctor assures me that I'm am actually paranoid. He had a few days where he rolled over and then apparently forgot how to do it. Here is me trying to remind him...
And finally, the other morning Avery spent a large chunk of time jumping off the couch into Jeff's arms. She kept telling him to scoot back- she was jumping really far! So later in the day, this is what she drew. That's our house and her jumping into daddy's arms. Isn't that great?Hope all of our midwestern friends are thawing out after the big freeze! We'll be sending some warmer temps your way soon!
i avery's dance moves and sweet picture. the triangle arms are the best!
nice new bloggy look too!
Oliver is sooooooo cute! I can't wait to see him live & in person again! And Avery is quite the artist on all fronts - singing, dancing, drawing. I think she inherited more than just Jeff's hair :)
Oh, I also meant to mention that Jack is still quite spazzy, too. Guess we'll just have to wait a little longer....I'm quite anxious for him to learn how to put his pacifier back in after he yanks it out.
Hi! Wow! It looks like you guys are doing the same things as us! this sounds weird, but I noticed your baby swing..does Oliver like it? our swing is a bust and I'm desperate for another kind..So I haven't talked to you in ages and already bugging you..ha
I love Avery's curls!