Part of the lack of posting there a while back was that we just didn't have any pictures to post. So, I'm trying to do a better job taking pictures throughout our days. There's lots of cute stuff that happens here every day, I'm just trying to be more intentional about capturing it!

On that note, we celebrated the first day of spring today by going to the park! Oliver got to go on the slide for the first time! Here are the munchkins getting ready to go. Avery is the best. Seriously. She loves her little brother sooo much!
Oliver's first slide. So exciting!Avery being tricky.Concentration...This picture is just downright scary of me. Close-ups without some superior editing software just shouldn't be allowed. But, it was a self-portrait and Oliver's just cute. He's been chewing on his lips and sticking out his tongue all of the time! Maybe some teeth are coming!This little face just kills me!


  1. Unknown on March 21, 2009 at 11:24 AM

    Ah...spring! Thank goodness it really does come back each year.

    I feel so lucky like you that our daughters really do love our sons. It's amazing!

  2. on March 22, 2009 at 10:52 AM

    i love that concentration shot. and the one of you! you and oliver both look too cute ;o)