Well, here I am, blogging from Indiana! I'm stealing Adam's pictures while everyone happily sleeps upstairs! Ah, time zones. We've had a great time so far! The flight went really well- everyone was happy and relatively quiet! We've seen a ton of friends and spent a lot of fun time with family! Here are some pics of the new cousins playing together!!!

Relatively happy....And then cousin Jack decides to come in for the sneak attack...Oliver is blindsided with a blow to the left eye!! (not at all, really... but doesn't it look like it?)All is well, back to normal, happy playing!And then there's this picture! I have no idea what was going on, but Oliver's look is fantastic!! If he spoke, I'm sure some sarcastic quip would be forming in his head right now... It was getting pretty hot, so babies were starting to shed clothing! Our little buddy in the middle (who, by the way, is 2 months younger than the cousins!!! yeah, he's big!) was laying around all naked, and I just had to see brown-boy Oliver next to him!! Jack's can certainly hold his own in the tan-baby department... the result was kinda funny!!! Shortly after this picture, both cousins rolled over and attacked poor little buddy in the middle!
Thankfully Adam and Stacey have their camera ready! Mine is still in my suitcase! Maybe I'll try and get that out tomorrow, so I don't have to steal from Adam's computer! Sorry Uncle Adam!

Avery is here too! She's spending her time tormenting Daisy Dog and playing Wii!! Um, she's sort of awesome at it! She parred two holes in golf and ended her 3-hole round at -1!!! She also got 5 hits in a row during batting practice! Maybe all 4-year-olds are this good at Wii, but I was impressed! Ok, I'm off to bed so I can be all peppy for more visiting tomorrow!


  1. Unknown on April 27, 2009 at 5:00 AM

    That picture of the boys is HILARIOUS!

    Glad you're here.

  2. j.ro on April 27, 2009 at 5:57 AM

    beautiful photo-storytelling! love it!!

  3. Shermanators on May 7, 2009 at 4:37 PM

    The pictures are so cute! I found you over at Kelly's Corner and saw your comment on visiting Corondo and just had to check out your blog. My hubby and I live in San Diego and Coronado is my FAVORITE place to hang out! I never get tired of it. Ironically, we dream one day of moving to Colorado...hope you have a fun girls weekend! :)
