Ooohhh, the concentration...So proud! He wanted to hold his pumpkin while we lit all of the other ones. And finally, the main event!!!! We went trick-or-treating in our friend's neighborhood. It was the type of neighborhood where they hand out the full-sized candy bars! It was jam-packed with kids and it was so fun to hang out with our friends! Here are the kiddos before we headed out...Avery's favorite development over the last month is that she is now a member of a saddle club!!! We heard about it at Halloween with the Horses and signed her right up! It last for 3 hours on Saturdays and they learn all about horses. How to take care of them, groom them, feed them... and some riding!!! She loves it! This was right when we got there and she got to walk through that barn- as she did, all of the horses poked their little heads out... again... she was in heaven!!!We were slightly early, so she got to meet Marshmallow before everyone else got there! They have high school and college kids that are the "trainers" and she LOVED her trainer!!!
This isn't the best picture, but it was taken with her trainer's phone... but here she is getting ready to ride Major!
I'm still a little shocked that my niece owns pink cowgirl boots. But she's still adorable - as is Oliver holding that pumpkin (or "punkin' as Jack would say.) Love you guys!