Oh Oliver. While he is still very much a two-year-old (read: tantrums, irrational emotions), he sure makes us laugh pretty regularly!! I'm working on our Thanksgiving in Indiana pictures, but in the mean time, here are some videos to tide you over!!

Oliver was pretty pumped about decorating the tree!!! He pretty much bounced the through the entire process.

Up next is something that stems from Dora singing a silly song. She takes well known songs and then throws something silly in. This one is "merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a.... bowl of spaghetti!!" Followed by lots of giggling!

Finally, this one was in Indiana. We were spending time at the lovely Dark home and Joanne was reading Oliver a story and cracking. him. up!!! It was something having to do with the word 'icabod'. It was a cute little moment for them... and now for all of you!!

Icabod from Stephanie Smith on Vimeo.

1 Comment

  1. Stacey on December 8, 2010 at 7:24 AM

    Awwwwww! He is a bundle of tree-decorating energy! And those football slippers are awesome!