He's recently taken to rolling around on the floor, scooting, and twisting to get to his package of wipes. He loves the wipes. They're crinkly, they scoot around easily (hence creating a fun game) and they're kind of shiny... who wouldn't want to spend 2 hours chasing wipes around the living room??
Next is another little family comparison photo...notice any similarities?
Ah the beloved blankies... Avery is finally down to having a blankie only in her bed- so at night and sometimes when she wants to go upstairs and have some "blankie time". Then along rolls Oliver and he's already a blankie chewer!! I promise that we don't encourage this! Well now we sort of do because he really likes it!
On that note, we celebrated the first day of spring today by going to the park! Oliver got to go on the slide for the first time! Here are the munchkins getting ready to go. Avery is the best. Seriously. She loves her little brother sooo much!
Oliver's first slide. So exciting!Avery being tricky.Concentration...This picture is just downright scary of me. Close-ups without some superior editing software just shouldn't be allowed. But, it was a self-portrait and Oliver's just cute. He's been chewing on his lips and sticking out his tongue all of the time! Maybe some teeth are coming!This little face just kills me!
So, here are some examples of her actually playing independently over the last several weeks. We've had to work hard to make these times happen, so maybe I'd like to blog about them just to prove that they've happened!
Still waaay into coloring! Note that she's coloring horses. There is going to be an intense theme with her playing in the next several pictures.Making a parade on the deck with her horses...She recently re-discovered her blocks. It started with building castles. I believe she's currently standing in the garden. Of the castle. Can't you tell??Then, thanks to daddy, it morphed. Now, it's all about building a stage. For the horses. Note the audience in the background. She really is the best big sister ever! You can tell by how Oliver looks at her that she is his FAVORITE person ever! She can make him smile and laugh better than anyone! She's really helpful with getting him toys and trying to calm him down when he's fussy. It's awesome!
She's really into learning her letters and letter sounds right now. She loves trying to sound things out. I think she'll be reading in no time! She hasn't quite figured out rhyming... yesterday she was happily munching her chicken nuggets and said, "did you know that chicken comes from chicken?? (then she gasps) Hey!!! chicken, chicken... that rhymes!!!" Then we tried to have a lesson about how the same word doesn't rhyme, it's just the same word. "No, one word is a food and the other word is an animal." Can't argue with that logic!
Jeff's spring break is next week. Our only plans are to hang around and not do much of anything! Jeff's got some house projects planned (I think) and it will just be a week filled with family time! Oh boy!! I wonder how many games of hide-n-seek we'll play??
Well, we've been severely lacking in the posting world lately. I'm not really sure what happened, but its been a long time. So, here are some pics of the kiddos and a fun video to get you all caught up. They'll probably come over a few day time period since when I post a bunch in one day, I have a theory that the earlier ones sometimes get skipped over. Enjoy!
I still think the ankle-biters look a lot alike. I'm not really sure that these pictures do them justice, and the difference in coloring is hard to get over... but here's Avery at 6 months... and then Oliver at 6 months!
Regardless, they're both so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it! I'm the mom, I'm allowed to say that.I still think the ankle-biters look a lot alike. I'm not really sure that these pictures do them justice, and the difference in coloring is hard to get over... but here's Avery at 6 months... and then Oliver at 6 months!
Here's a little picture montage of why it seems that Oliver will never sit-up (even though of course, I know that's not true... he's just so funny about this). The kid has no interest in sitting up and experiencing the world in a new way. The only thing he can focus on is whatever is directly in front of him- usually his feet. He's also really into textures of materials- he loves to scratch the couch, fireplace, our clothes. I mean really. You lay the kid on the couch and he gets really excited to roll over and start scratching! He's a little odd that way! In fact, right now, he's rolled across the room, is sort of wedged by the couch, scratching away. Anyway, here's a pictoral representation of what happens every time you sit him up...
Mmmmm, pant legs to eat...
Oh noooo... folding myself completely in half makes me lose my balance....
Are you planning to do something about this??
Nevermind... its kinda fun!
Here's a little video of how Oliver's been expressing his excitement lately! I call him the inchworm. He's like this pretty much every time he wakes up. Pretty awesome!