First of all, I'd like to address a little issue we've been having here lately at Smith Family Happenings. I've made no bones about the fact that I love comments on the blog! It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying my family! And it seems that we're in a bit of a rut with the comments. You'll notice that generally, Jayne and Stacey are the only ones that comment anymore. Everytime I check my blog, there are two comments and I can bet that they're from Jayne and Stacey. And don't get me wrong... I love it that they comment!!! Its the rest of you we need to discuss!
I hear from several of you... things like... "haven't seen any new pictures lately" or "when are you going to post again?" or "it's been a while since the last update". Remember positive reinforcement? Reinforce the behavior you want to increase? Comments are reinforcement to me! Leave me comments and I'll bet that you'll see my posting increase!! Just a thought. Grandparents? AHS friends? Indiana friends? I know you're all out there... let's hear from ya!
Ok, moving on...
Avery's done with her first year of preschool! Hard to believe that this was a whole school year ago! She's been looking so much older to me lately! It's amazing! Here are some pics of her receiving her certificate Avery and her best buddy. They play together constantly at school. They look alike too! Their teachers still were mixing them up at the end of the year!
Next, we have some fun sibling time in our tiny blow-up pool! This was Oliver's first time in it and he wasn't too sure at first. But, as you'll see, he soon loved it!
Not too sure...
Warming up to the idea of swimmin' with sista!
Lovin' it!!!!
Avery's face in this picture makes me laugh out loud... so it had to be included!