This post is going to be quite random and filled with pictures I may not normally consider blog-worthy. But, I can't really be bothered right now to figure out which pictures I like ('cause they're really small in picasa, which makes it hard to tell which one is which- then you have to flip back and forth from the library to editing... too hard for me tonight). So, you get to see a lot of random scenery/cloud pictures with some people thrown in. Whatev... you can handle it (I'm apparently feeling a little sassy tonight.).
So. Jeff and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary in Beaver Creek! My parents graciously watched the munchkins and we got to sleep in and enjoy actual conversations! It was so fun!!! Our hotel was awesome! The creek was right behind us and was really high! We went rafting (my first time) and had a great time!

Then my parents, the kids and I went up Pikes Peak on the Cog Railway. In this first one, you can see the train in the distance.
These are pics of Colorado Springs and ummm... Kansas.Ya know, the woman who wrote "America the Beautiful" wrote it after being inspired by her trip to the summit of Pikes Peak. I think she was in a covered wagon. Here's Avery with the plaquard.And since no post is complete without some cuteness from Oliver... he's been playing peek-a-boo like crazy. It's quite cute. Curtains, clothes, his hands- he'll hide at the drop of a hat!


  1. slivengo on July 14, 2009 at 5:09 AM

    YAY for an update! Congrats on your anniversary! So jealous you got to visit Beaver Creek! Isn't it gorgeous! It's even better in the winter when you can ski! You'll have to try another trip this winter. :)

    Love the pics of Avery on the hike. :) She looks super cute with her hat on!

  2. The Way EYE See It... on July 14, 2009 at 10:26 AM

    I loved the cog wheel train ride. It was fun! Glad you are all doing well.

  3. on July 16, 2009 at 4:17 PM

    i love sassy steph! and i love thinking of you and jeff havin' chill time and goin' white water rafting. how fun!