This is how happy this Smith family was this weekend!!! Erin was in town! And, extra bonus, Amy came in town too! Amy had lots of other plans too, but we got to see her first!
We got to eat out a lot and talk, talk, talk! Erin and I used to see each other every day at work. But we haven't been able to talk much lately- we keep catching each other on the phone with only 5 minutes available to chat. So, this weekend was great! We got all caught up! Avery LOVES Erin, so she was beside herself with excitement! There was a lot of Candyland...
Erin brought Avery a present... here they are trying it on!Here's Erin and Oliver. He met her in Indiana for about 10 minutes in the fall. He wasn't quite sure about her at first, but he warmed up quickly!!Now they're best buddies!!
We were able to enjoy some serious outside play time today! Oliver doesn't often get to come out, but today he got to watch Avery riding her bike and scooter while snuggling with Amy!!


  1. Adam on February 16, 2009 at 8:02 PM

    Why is it that you get great weather in February and we're left confident that there will be six more weeks to winter? Something is backwards here.

  2. on February 17, 2009 at 4:32 AM

    super fun! you CAN tell how excited avery is by her expression. and oliver is truly one of the cutest babies EVER!

  3. The Way EYE See It... on February 17, 2009 at 7:18 AM

    I think Erin and Oliver sort of have that same ssassy head lean going on. Plus I love the flower hat! It reminds me of Munchkins and this video game:

  4. Unknown on February 17, 2009 at 9:15 AM

    Jealous of the warmth!

    Ditto to Adam!

  5. Unknown on February 17, 2009 at 6:44 PM

    i love me some Avery and Oliver! and I defintely miss our daily chats!